To reduce your carbon footprint you want to reduce things like your energy consumption, eat fewer animal products, shop and travel smartly and reduce waste. The increasing carbon footprint of society harms our environment and all living beings, so it is important for us to do everything in our power to preserve our planet and our many ecosystems. Now that we have a more detailed understanding of CO2 emissions and climate change, we should look at some ways to reduce them.
Reduce your energy consumption
Some of the ways to reduce your carbon footprint is by choosing energy-efficient appliances, reducing the amount of water and energy you use in your house, minimizing the number of times you shower per day, and using renewable energy in your house. You can reduce your carbon footprint by saving money on your energy bills, and by making use of the energy-saving devices that are already installed in your home.
There are many ways to save money on your electricity bill. One of the easiest ways is to get a new smart thermostat which allows you to adjust your temperature. Another is to take advantage of the seasonal savings. For example, turn off your air conditioner in the summer when it is not needed, and turn on your air conditioner in the winter when it is needed.
Eat fewer animal products
Most meats are produced with livestock. Livestock account for over 70 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, and about 70 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions are linked to livestock production. Livestock production also uses about 38 percent of all water, 38 percent of arable land and between 15-20 percent of the grain crops of the world. Because of this, one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and avoid problems from climate change is to reduce your consumption of animal products. Not only is it good for your health, but it is also a responsible thing to do for the health of the environment and for the animals.
Shop and travel smartly
Environmentalists and pro-green fans are not the only people who are concerned about our planet’s rapidly declining environment. Many travelers are concerned about the effect their carbon footprint is having on the environment. By shopping and traveling wisely, you can help reduce the amount of energy needed to sustain life on Earth and, therefore, help the environment.
Shop locally.
A trip to Walmart or a similar large supermarket is a large carbon footprint in and of itself. If you are looking to minimize your carbon footprint while traveling, it is best to buy items that you can cook, use your own vehicles to transport them, or make your own food.
Reduce waste
Although it may seem impossible to reduce waste in a way that is sustainable and compassionate to those who are working to produce it, it is actually one of the easiest things we can do to help the environment. Below are some ways to reduce your waste and help protect the environment.
Take reusable items with you
While it is tempting to buy new things when we travel, it is far better to take something to help reduce waste. Many hotels and airlines have made it a point to provide reusable items for guests and we should take advantage of this to minimize our need to purchase items. For example, if you’re traveling to New Zealand, take a reusable beach bag to a picnic instead of a plastic bag. It will also help the environment by not creating trash that will end up in landfills.
The world is getting hotter and we all know what happens when the planet gets warmer. More weather extremes, more rising sea levels and more food shortages. Climate change is not a “hoax” and is very real. When you travel you are stepping outside your normal environment, meaning that you expose yourself to these climate change impacts. How do you reduce your carbon footprint and protect our environment when you are away from home? It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but we can reduce the impact our daily lives have on our environment through our daily choices and by spreading the word about how we can all reduce our impact.